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Kids Reading Outdoor

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We Our Volunteers

Volunteers are critical in our success

transforming the lives of our children.


Get Involved, Become A Volunteer!

Helping Hands
Welcome and thank you in advance for your willingness and for choosing to volunteer with us!
We rely heavily upon volunteers and could not succeed without you.


Each year Down 7 Up 8 Inc. holds several events. Events can range from sit downs with meals, conferences, lectures, workshops, vision board parties, managing communication, marketing as well as others. We need assistance with all aspects of event planning & execution.  When a volunteer opportunity arises, an email will be sent out. Those interested in volunteering will send a reply email expressing interest & further details will be sent.


Job Title: Event Volunteer


Location: TBA

Key Responsibilities:  See below.


The Event Volunteer:

(1) Plans, sets up, and attends public & private events.

(2) Engage with attendees of the events.

(3) Registration-making sure persons are permitted and have taken the correct steps to attend.

(4) Serving food and refreshments-where applicable.

(5) Set up & Clean up.

(6) Market/advertise the event via social media and word of mouth.


Reports to:

Event volunteers will work under the direction of various members of the event committee, staff and other volunteers, who will provide task specific direction training and support.


Length of Appointment:

Event Volunteers will be asked to commit to at least 3 hours. Participation on an event planning committee could typically require larger time commitments over several months.


During the course of volunteering, you may be dealing with confidential information about others. You must be willing to agree to keep such information in the strictest confidence & sign our confidentiality policy.



Depends of tasks



You are able to receive information, resources, experience, motivation, encouragements, empowerment, and much more.  You will not pay for any events, food/snacks will be provided for you (depending on the event). You will be are able to interact, gain knowledge, skills, receive gifts/freebie(s),  give back & HAVE FUN!!!


We appreciate all of your hard work & dedication in helping Down 7 Up 8 Inc. have successful events!

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